Apply for English Teacher
Peru, Callao, Pachacutec, Ica, Chincha
Free housing at our humble Volunteer House and a monthly stipend of s/. 500 soles.
4 months
Many students that attend Coprodeli schoolscome from humble or broken homes, living inextreme poverty and in difficult livingsituations, usually attributed to a difficultfamily member or living environment.
Parents or guardians do the very best theirvery best to make ends meet for their family,either breaking ones back in the field, scrapscavenging, street sweeping or selling bakedgoods from their home, still they aren’t to costtheir child’s education and need of a kind andgentle soul to help them until their able to flyon their own.
If this talks to you, then, Coprodeli’s ChildSponsor program is the easiest way to getinvolved.
For $100 a quarter/$400 a year, you can helpcost a child’s education and provide someonewith one less burden off their backs.
Your $100 will go towards costing the specialservices (EDUCATION PAGE / GENERAL ABOUT)that Coprodeli school and outreach centerstudent receive. This way an at-risk youth canattend Coprodeli School or Outreach centerand receive the quality education that’ll allowthem to access life changing opportunities.